This painting is in progress and was commissioned by a descendant of Simeon Dunn. After Simeon had walked about 500 miles from Michigan to Nauvoo Illinois, he met the Prophet Joseph Smith.
The following is from the Life Sketch of Simeon Dunn and I believe it was presented at his funeral In Brigham City, Utah, February 24, 1883
In 1838 James Dunn, the brother of Simeon Adams Dunn, came to Simeon’s home in Van Buren, Michigan on the Huron River. He was a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Simeon was baptized by him on the 15th of April.
Simply embracing the gospel was not enough for Simeon. He had to see the prophet for himself, and perhaps offer his services to the growing church. In June, of 1840, Simeon left Van Buren on foot for Nauvoo, a trip of over 500 miles. There, for the first time in his life he saw a Prophet of God. He also received his Patriarchal blessing from the hands of the Church's first Patriarch Joseph Smith Sr. On July 10, 1840 Simeon started on foot back to Michigan; bearing his testimony to all who would listen along the way. On June 20, 1841 the Dunn family left Michigan to gather with the Saints in Nauvoo, where they arrived on the 5th. of August 1841.
The Prophet Joseph was there to meet them and shook all of their hands. Simeon purchased land from the Prophet on which to build their home. It was located near the mansion house on Hyde and Parley Street. The children of the two families often played together.
The Historical Painter’s Challenge When depicting a scene sometimes we have more information than this and often we have less.
How did they meet? That, in this instance, is up to conjecture. I have depicted them in conversation at a water well near where Joseph later had a brick barn built for his horses and animals. The Smith Family log home is in the background as well as the Red Brick Store. Thinking about the Red Brick Store that has now become an important Mormon landmark in Nauvoo, I went to Joseph Smith’s journal and found out that the store wasn’t finished and used until 1842. When I told my best critic about my problem, Pamela said, “good, it doesn’t look right to me anyway.” So even when I am almost finished with the painting I find things that need to be changed for the sake of accuracy.