Glen S. Hopkinson

The Official Blog of Artist Glen S. Hopkinson

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Pastures

A family that lived in St. George, Utah from its beginnings in the 1860s, used to take their animals north into the mountains as the summer came on. Everyone, including the critters seemed to thrive and enjoy the cooler climate and good mountain air.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Far Away Mountain

Sometimes it is fun to take a large canvas and paint on location. This painting, FAR AWAY MOUNTAIN was painted on a ranch near Big Sky, Montana. As a dramatic cloud was pouring down the mountain behind the old log house, I put a 24 x 36 inch canvas on my small travel easel and began slapping paint. Two hours later the canvas was covered with paint. I liked the forlorn feeling of the scene and yet I wanted to give it something more; a little more life and a little more interest. When I got back to the studio I added the wash on the line and the young wife and child looking down the valley waiting for her man to return. It seemed to be the right touch.