A Family Evening With Joseph
A leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Australia recently commissioned me to do a painting. Mr. Carl Maurer who is President of the Perth Australia Mission for the L.D.S. Church felt that he would like a painting of the young Prophet Joseph Smith as he shares with his family some of his recent experiences. Seventeen year old Joseph had recently been visited by a Heavenly Messenger and had been shown where some ancient records were buried. The messenger named Moroni, instructed Joseph that it would be his responsibility to translate the record. It took another four years before Joseph was given the book of thin metal sheets (appearing to be like gold) and begin the process of translation. That translation became The Book of Mormon. The Gold Plates (as they became to be called) were actually seen by eleven other people who gave their oath that they saw and handled the metal pages. Three of them were shown the plates by the messenger Moroni.
In this 20 x 24 inch oil painting, 17 year old Joseph is sharing with his family some of the things he has learned. Joseph is on the right and to the left of him is 10 year old Don Carlos, 7 year old Catherine, 53 year old Father Joseph Smith, Sr., then at the lower far left is 12 year old William. Above William are 25 year old Alvin (soon to pass away) and top left is 23 year old Hyrum. Mother Lucy Mack Smith (48 years) is in the white cap and 20 year old Sophronia is to the right of her. Sitting in front of the fire is 15 year old Samuel. Two year old Lucy is sleeping in another room.
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